Current Needs
Thank You to all our supporters! Your prayers, encouragement and financial support enabled us to build and publish the Evidence of God App!
Any amount you now contribute will first go towards meeting the ongoing $149 monthly fee to Buildfire and designing and creation of share cards that we will make available for purchase for anyone wanting to share the Evidence of God App with others.
Your continued support also frees us up to develop the app further with the creation of the new sections we talked about in the video above New Life 101, which covers the basics of true Christianity and Leadership 101 which covers how to be obedient to the Great Commission and never hear the words "Depart from Me, I never knew you!"
Inspired Idea
Dec 11 2018
We believe this inspired tool will help equip and empower the whole body of Christ to reach every truth seeker with an arsenal of evidence of the one true God!
Your tangible support helps us to continue gathering evidence and making connections with those who have excellent content on the best evidence of God. Obtaining their consent to use their content on the Evidence of God APP is key.
The FASTER we gain support, the FASTER we're able to make the app even more powerful and the FASTER we can bring the world to a Real faith in Christ.
APP Creation
Dec 17 2018
Hooray! 7 days in we reached 10% of our financial goal! :) ;) Thank you to all of our donors, we are so grateful for your support. This enables us to advance and make this vision a reality!
Your support so far has enabled us to secure the app domain and name on iOS and Android. We have paid for the first month of App hosting BUT it is not ready to publish. Although we have a basic template started, the full creation will take hundreds of hours more to develop.
Our current needs include being able to pay the monthly fee $149 to the app developer platform. Any amount you contribute will first go towards meeting this current most important need.
Jan 10 2019
Pointing people towards the Evidence of God APP with intriuging cards and tracts will play a powerful part of this effective Evangelism tool.
Arming and equipping the body of Christ with the EVIDENCE OF GOD APP along with our desire to create fresh visual outreach material that can be easily shared through Churches, youth groups and small discipleship groups. These materials can be customized with Church/ministry address and contact info. Your generous gift will be used to unite the body of Christ behind the BEST EVIDENCE of God. Thank You!!