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3 Giant Problems

in the Church today


designed to solve 3 major problems

in the Church today

Church Caterpillars that never transform into Spirit led Butterflies is at the core of most of the problems within the modern day Church.


Personal transformation and empowerment of every believer must replace the once-a-week (expensive) religious production that has become the modern day Church.


Church buildings, like caterpillars, are not evil; they simply consume too much, are too slow and do not represent God's intended design.


Jesus died and rose in order to show each of us 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' of true transformation. "Take up your cross and follow Me." is a call to die to the old and become Children of God(Butterfly People).


True transformation is at the heart of true revival. The giant problem is that millions have never heard the gospel or are stuck in earthbound ritual and have never entered the real experience God intended.


3 MAJOR PROBLEMS facing most Christians today


PROBLEM: 1) SHARING GOD - Jesus commanded His disciples to "Go into all the world and make disciples." This includes you and me! Most believers have never led a single soul to Jesus and find it hard to share the glory of God with the unbelieving world around them. None of us want to hear Jesus say, Why do you call Me 'LORD, LORD' and not do the things that I say?"(Luke 6:46)

SOLUTION: The EVIDENCE OF GOD APP would ignite and equip 173 Million Christians with an arsenal of the best evidence of God, within a free personal app. Make sharing The Truth easy. This is key to solving this problem and winning the war on deception.


PROBLEM: 2) KNOWING GOD - Many have spent years in Church hearing stories about God, but have never been taught 'How to Know God', 'How to hear His voice' and/or 'How to be led by His Spirit'. None of us want to hear the words, "Depart from Me, I never knew you."(Matthew 7:21)

SOLUTION: The EVIDENCE OF GOD APP would include teaching that helps the individual make that valuable connection and enter the butterfly experience that God intended.



PROBLEM: 1) DISCIPLESHIP - Jesus commanded His disciples to "Go into all the world and make disciples." This includes you and me! Jesus stated that unless you take up your cross and follow Me, you can not be My disciple."(Matthew 16:24). In another passage Jesus says, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of My Father whois in heaven." (Matthew 7:21). 


3) CHARITY - The book of Acts reveals a dynamic Church that tangibly cared for one another AND the hurting world around them. Many today ignore the poor and the needy all around them because they have already given to 'the building'. Self-centric Christianity is taught and practiced by false teachers and preachers that litter the country and produce nothing that looks like true Christianity.

Caterpillar vs. Butterfly

Caterpillar PROBLEM:

Fear of sharing their faith

Many Christians, despite the commandment of God too "Go into all the world and make disciples", millions have never brought a single soul to Christ. How do you effectively build your faith and easily share the glory of God?

King's Gallery Outreach wants to equip 173 Million Christians with an arsenal of the best evidence. The free app would make clear the evidence of God to not only build their faith, but to make it easy to share with the lost world around them.

Butterfly SOLUTION:


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